Minimum guaranteed monthly income increases to 1,749 lei

The Cabinet approved the indexation of the guaranteed minimum monthly income by 7%, taking into account the inflation rate at the end of the previous year. After indexation, the guaranteed minimum monthly income will be 1,749 lei for an adult and 1,819 lei for a child, IPN reports.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Buzu said that the guaranteed minimum monthly income is used to determine the social benefit. This indicator is adjusted to the inflation rate to ensure appropriate protection for people who are on low incomes and whom the state wants to help.

"Considering the inflation rate at the end of the previous year, expressed as an increase in consumer prices in December of the same year, compared to the same month of the previous year, in the amount of 7%, the guaranteed minimum monthly income on April 1, 2025 will be indexed by the indexation coefficient of 1.070," says the draft decision.

This decision enters into force on April 1, 2025

The guaranteed minimum monthly income is indexed each year on April 1. In 2024, the guaranteed minimum monthly income was indexed by 4.2% and amounted to 1,634 lei for an adult and 1,700 lei for a child.

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