Mihai Popșoi: Without an independent Prosecutor's Office, we cannot hope for the country's prosperity

Without an independent Prosecutor's Office, we cannot hope for the prosperity of the Republic of Moldova as no investor will come to the country unless he is confident that his business is protected by law. The statement belongs to the MP of Action and Solidarity Party Mihai Popșoi. The politician says that the current government is working on ensuring a professional and independent Prosecutor's Office, IPN reports.

Mihai Popșoi says that consensus has mostly been reached regarding the reform of the Prosecutor's Office. The apple of the discord remains the committee that will nominate the few candidates out of which the Superior Council of Magistracy will be able to choose and propose one to the president for the position of prosecutor general. "We are opting for an apolitical committee, that is why we have reservations with regard to representatives of the Parliament, the Presidency or the Government in this committee. We want the members of this committee to be apolitical, to be experts, including foreign ones, professionals in the field, so that this process is not perceived as a politicized one. However, we had some not very nice experiences in the recent past,” said the MP.

Socialist MP Vasile Bolea argues that the draft law on the Prosecutor's Office reform stipulates that not only prosecutors, but also judges, lawyers, criminal prosecution officers and not only currently employed lawyers but also those who used to work in the system can apply for the head of institution position. "Some tensions are still being discussed, but I think that in the near future this draft law will be registered in Parliament, debated and voted on," said Vasile Bolea.

The Democrat MP Alexandru Jizdan believes that tough times are yet to come for the current government because people tolerate the new power for the first one hundred days. In his opinion, the current government will have to deal with the poverty in the country. "I am sure that the current government has already gotten into deep waters and must find solutions. Of course, I welcome the unblocking of discussions with external partners, is was needed. Now we will see what the governance will do. As for the previous government, it managed to build 1600 kilometres of road, to implement several social projects without external support. Unfortunately, our colleagues, having external support, stopped these projects,” says Alexandru Jizdan.


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