Medical services for children. The offer of the Single Compulsory Health Insurance Program

128 thousand hospital medical services were provided last year to children under 18 years of age. Among the most frequent diagnoses were respiratory diseases, bronchopneumonia, pneumonia and acute bronchitis.

In a response to a press request by IPN, the CNAM said that almost 9,500 children benefited from 11,000 high-performance medical services. The most requested were echocardiography, computerized electroencephalography and magnetic resonance. 575 children received early intervention services.

The number of children eligible for medical services under the Single Program of Compulsory Health Care Insurance exceeds 801 thousand per year, and they are registered on the lists of family doctors.

Primary health care includes services provided by family doctors and pediatricians. As of July 1, 2025, primary health care will also include services provided by the respiratory physiotherapist and other specialists of the primary health care institution, community mental health center, youth-friendly health center to persons registered on the family doctor's list, according to the established procedure.

Within the hospital health care, one of the parents or other family members, upon request, may be hospitalized for the care of a child up to 9 years of age. In serious cases, a parent may be admitted for the care of children up to the age of 18.

The Single Compulsory Health Insurance Scheme also provides for dental care with local or general anaesthetic, annual medical check-ups for children in kindergartens and schools, prophylactic consultations for children up to the age of 18 and pregnant women.

According to the CNAM, health services for children and adults in the Republic of Moldova are governed by the same general principles of the health system, but there are differences in the type of care, interventions and investigations according to age, in order to meet the specific needs of each category of persons. For children, there is a strong emphasis on prevention and developmental monitoring, while adults are more susceptible to chronic and complex conditions requiring long-term treatment.

The lists of medicines and medical devices compensated by compulsory health insurance funds include 171 international non-proprietary names, of which 161 (121 INNs - fully compensated, 40 INNs - partially compensated) are also indicated for children.

Children up to the age of 18 benefit from compulsory health insurance provided by the Government of the Republic of Moldova. You can check your status online on the website of the National Health Insurance Company. On, go to the "Services" section, under "AOAM status check".

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