The media nongovernmental organizations express their regret and concern following the statements made by the journalist of TV8 channel Natalia Morari, who admitted that he has a personal relationship with businessman Veaceslav Platon, who was earlier sentenced to 18 years in jail in the bank fraud case and was later acquitted. Currently, Veaceslav Platon is wanted for active corruption and swindle, IPN reports.
“We consider Natalia Morari’s relationship with Veaceslav Platon can undermine the media consumers’ confidence in a free and independents press. We regret the late statement of Natalia Morari. Her gesture can affect the image of TV8 as an upright and editorially independent media outlet,” the NGOs say in a statement.
They remind that in accordance with the Journalist’s Deontological Code of the Republic of Moldova, moral integrity is one of the essential professional requirements for the journalist and journalism. At the same time, the journalist does not accept (…) advantages (…) that can comprise the independence and authority before the public and can affect trust in journalists in general.
“We call on the journalists of the Republic of Moldova to abide by the principles of correct and equidistant journalism in their activity, to be an example of correctness and to promote the principle of transparency by their activity, to avoid conflicts of interest and other actions that can affect the image and credibility of the profession,” runs the statement.
The statement was signed by the Independent Journalism Center, the Association of Electronic Press and Media Guard Association.