Mayor of Rascani town arrested for taking US$5,000 bribe

The mayor of Rascani town and an alleged accomplice of his were arrested on suspicion of taking US$5,000 bribe, the National Anticorruption Center announced in a communique. The leader of the “Our Party” Renato Usatyi considers this is a political order against a member of his party, IPN reports.

The denouncer said the two asked for and received US$5,000 for favoring him at an auction to sell a building located in Rascani. These assured the man that they have influence over councilors of the Town Council and can make them choose him as the winner of the auction.

In a video message, the leader of “Our Party” Renato Usatyi says the arrest represents a political order. “The National Anticorruption Center decided to show that it works. The mayor of Rascani Victor Bogatico paid back the money to a businessman with whom he had particular relations four years ago. If Mister Bogatico is to blame, he should answer in accordance with the law, but the law must work for everyone,” he stated.

The suspects face up to seven years in jail for traffic of influence. They are held at the remand unit of the National Anticorruption Center, being placed under arrest initially for 72 hours. The investigation is conducted by the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office.

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