Daniel Tonu, the chief of the electoral staff of the Democratic Party (PDM) in Ialoveni district, accuses deputy president of the district Valeriu Erhan of having ordered to stop the works of extending the aqueduct in Zambreni village. Zambreni mayor Daniel Tonu has criticized the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM), saying that both in Zambreni and at the level of Ialoveni district, the Liberal-Democratic councilors cooperate with the Communist councilors. “Those who shout the loudest: “Down with the Communists!” tomorrow will shake hands with the Communists,” Daniel Tonu stated about the PLDM at a news conference held on Thursday, April 2, at Info-Prim Neo News Agency.
On January 26, 2009, Daniel Tonu left the PLDM and joined the Democratic Party.
Asked by Info-Prim Neo to state his opinion about the accusations brought by Zambreni mayor, Valeriu Erhan, the president in office of Ialoveni district, rejected them as being incorrect. “I didn’t order the entrepreneur that extends the aqueduct to stop the works, but I asked him to hurry up in order to connect the kindergarten till the end of the week. But Tonu wants another part of the village to be connected to the water pipe, where his supporters live,” said Valeriu Erhan, a PLDM member.
Daniel Tonu used the news conference also to remind the dignitaries of the central public administration about the fact that they forgot the promises given to the inhabitants of Zambreni village, “where the oldest school in the country is, and the roads must be revamped”.
Zambreni mayor found an explanation for the big number of persons registered on the voters lists, as this is a subject often tackled by the electoral competitors in the ending campaign. Daniel Tonu said that 600 persons who have not been living for long in the locality with a population of 3 thousand, and who work abroad, have been included into the electoral lists of the village he is mayor of. Daniel Tonu specified that these persons officially have their residence in Zambreni.