Martisor Fair: tradition, color, and prices for all budgets. PHOTO Gallery

The Spring Fair is open in the Great National Assembly Square, an event dedicated to the Martisor celebration, which will last until March 10. Vendors offer visitors a wide variety of traditional mărțișoare and souvenirs, IPN reports.

Prices start at 5 lei. Crocheted martisoare range from 10 to 50 lei, while those with wooden figurines are available for prices between 30 and 100 lei. Those who prefer more sophisticated accessories can opt for metal brooches, which go up to 250 lei. In addition to mărțișoare, visitors can find other souvenirs such as handmade jewelry or artisanal crafts, with prices varying between 50 and 300 lei.

This year, vendors say that traditional-themed mărțișoare are particularly appreciated, as well as themed ones. Many buyers choose mărțișoare that reflect a specific field of activity, with musical and educational themes being the most popular. Martisoare with messages for teachers, relatives, friends, or personalized ones with names are also in high demand.

Most vendors in the Great National Assembly Square say that sales are lower this year. One merchant noted that "sales are like fishing this year—you wait for hours to catch a buyer".

Expectations are that sales will increase over the weekend, right before March 1, as well as with the start of the spring break for students.

Similar fairs are organized in all sectors of the capital, with vendors displaying their products in markets, parks, and along the main boulevards in the Botanica, Buiucani, Centru, Ciocana, and Rascani districts. Authorities encourage people to explore the symbols of spring and support local artisans.

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