Marian Lupu: Negotiations were difficult

The chairman of the Democratic Party and ex-Speaker Marian Lupu said the negotiations on the creation of a parliamentary majority were difficult as it is hard to regain confidence in the former alliance colleagues. The statement was made in the program “In Depth” on ProTV channel after the MPs voted in the new Government and elected the Head of Parliament in the evening of May 30, IPN reports.

“Our intention was and will be a serious one. We count on the fulfilment of the signed agreement. There are new faces in Parliament and in the Government. It was harder for my party colleagues as they didn’t want the candidate for the post of Speaker to be changed. If I had insisted on holding this post, we could have had early elections,” stated Marian Lupu.

He also said that if he had been elected Head of Parliament, some of the former alliance colleagues would have been irritated and nervous. “Stability would have been in danger. The negotiations were hard. When there is no confidence, there should be set balancing mechanisms”, added Marian Lupu.

As to fact that the Democrats voted in a Government whose composition is almost similar to that of the Cabinet that was dismissed by censure motion, Marian Lupu said they were told that since they started to speak about political responsibilities, they should not interfere in the policy of the Liberal-Democrats.

According to him, the persons delegated by the Democratic Party to manage certain areas entrusted to the party are not suspected of committing something illegal. He stressed that no talks were held with the Communist Party as they wouldn’t have been able to create a pro-European coalition with them.

On May 30, Parliament gave a vote of confidence to the new Cabinet that includes five names. The PDM replaced the minister of culture, naming Monica Babuc to this post. The Ministry of Transport, which was also entrusted to the PDM, will be headed by Vasile Botnari. Democratic MP Igor Corman was elected Head of Parliament, while Adrian Candu – Deputy Speaker.

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