March 25 is deadline for submitting tax reports

The deadline for submitting tax reports for February is March 25. This is also the deadline for paying taxes, fees, compulsory health insurance premiums and social insurance contributions, IPN reports.

The State Tax Service said that among the tax reports that must be submitted by the mentioned date for 2024, related to income tax, are the declaration on the income tax of legal entities and individuals who practice entrepreneurial activities, the unified report (sole proprietorships and peasant farmsteads) and the declaration on income tax of non-commercial organizations.

Also, the income tax for February must be paid by March 25.

The income tax, mandatory health insurance premiums and mandatory state social insurance contributions for April 2025 by employers working in the field of taxi passenger transportation must also be paid by this date. If persons are hired after the presentation of the report, the given employers are obliged to submit an additional report on the day of employment.

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