Man killed in house fire in Orhei

A man died and another eight persons were evacuated as a result of a fire that started in an apartment in Orhei town. According to the press officer of the Civil Protection and Emergencies Service Diana Turcan, the circumstances and cause of fire are yet to be established. Careless smoking is one of examined versions, IPN reports.

There were two persons in the room where the fire started. One man died, while the other one was saved by rescuers. The bedclothes and some of the objects in the room were destroyed by fire.

Seven persons from the neighboring apartments were evacuated because of the very dense smoke. The fire didn’t manage to extend. It is not yet known if the two men drank alcoholic beverages. The Civil Protection and Emergencies Service warns against smoking in the house, especially in the bed, as this can lead to fires with serious consequences.

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