Man gets 200 hours of community services for beating son and wife

A man from Ceadar-Lunga town will do 200 hours of community services as he beat his son and wife, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a communique, the Prosecutor General's Office says the 51-year-old man got into a row with his wife while under the influence of alcohol. Their son came to his mother's aid, but his father hit him several times and then beat his wife. The man was punished after his son filed a complaint. Applications and complaints concerning domestic violence can be lodged by the victims and members of the family, the tutelage authority, persons holding responsible positions, professionals who come into contact with the family, and other persons who possess such information. In 2009 and the first nine months of 2010, the local prosecutor's offices received 278 applications and complaints about the use of domestic violence. 231 of them were accepted.

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