Man from Edinet finds siblings drowned in his pond

A man from Edinet district last night discovered his sister and brother drowned in the pond he owns in Tarnova village. According to the preliminary version, the two went fishing, ignoring the fact that the ice was too thin.

Contacted by IPN for details, press officer of the Edinet Police Inspectorate Svetlana Talpa said that the police were alerted after 10 p.m. by the owner of the pond. He found the bodies and pulled them out of the water.

The man was 57 years old, while the woman was 62 years old. They were both guards at the pond.

“Following preliminary examination, no visible signs of violent death were identified on the bodies of the victims. It is presumed that the two went fishing, ignoring the fact that the ice was too thin,” said Svetlana Talpa.

The bodies were transported to the Forensic Department of the Edinet District Hospital for examination. The investigations continue to establish the exact circumstances of the tragic incident.

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