Man dies after falling from haystack

A 40-year-old man fell from a haystack that was about 10 meters high. Eufalia Negreata, coordinating doctor at the Chisinau Ambulance Service, has told Info-Prim Neo that the man was an inhabitant of Ratus village, Criuleni. It is not known how he slipped, but the fall was fatal. He died before the ambulance arrived. A woman aged 30 from Dubasari town fell from a walnut tree on the Chisinau-Orhei road. She suffered a backbone trauma, rib and leg fractures, and injury to internal organs. A driver stopped and called an ambulance. A 52-year-old man died suddenly after carrying out repair works in a house all day long. A man aged 64 died at the villa of his friends in Dumbrava village, while a 49-year-old woman suffered a heart attack. On Wednesday, July 28, the Chisinau ambulance teams traveled to 716 addresses, dealing with 76 cases of trauma, 78 cases of acute viral infection, six strokes and 16 deliveries.

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