Maia Sandu: MEPs consider investigation of bank fraud is not wanted

The president of the Action and Solidarity Party Maia Sandu, ex-Prime Minister, said a number of MEPs don’t believe that in Moldova it is not known who stole the US$ 1 billion from the banking system and the European officials consider there is no will here to investigate the bank fraud. Such a message was transmitted to her by EU officials in an event that involved hundreds of MEPs of the European People’s Party, IPN reports.

Maia Sandu said that she gave a speech in front of these MEPs. “They asked me to convey a message to the law enforcement agencies in the Republic of Moldova. They said they don’t believe at all that it is not known who stole the US$ 1 billion, that all the traces in the digital era remain and that only the state institutions that should investigate, but do not do this are to blame for the fact that nothing about the theft is yet known . It was a harsh message: “We no longer believe in excuses and justifications; they simply do not want the theft to be investigated,” stated the politician.

According to her, in several months it will become evident if the Prosecutor General’s Office and Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo have serious intentions and investigate the bank fraud. Maia Sandu admitted that a lot of work is to be done to recover the stolen funds. “But one needs several months only to state it very clearly and go to court against a, b, c, d,” she noted.

The former Premier also said that the current Government led by Ion Chicu created a lot of confusion about the justice sector reform. “They repeatedly said that they will work out a conception and will secure the Venice Commission’s support from the very first days of government, but we are close to March and we do not yet understand what they intend to do as they say nothing clearly,” she stated.

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