MAI veterans honored for their sacrifice in 1992

Nine veterans of the Interior Ministry were honored for their devotion to duty in the 1992 Dniester war. They were decorated with special ranks, a symbol of appreciation for their sacrifice and dedication in the service of the country, IPN reports.

"It is important that your life lessons, the experience you went through in 1992, be passed on to the generations to come, because this is the only way to learn, from the first source, what devotion to country and love of nation means," Interior Minister Daniella Misail-Nichitin said.

The veterans were honored during a solemn ceremony on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Thanksgiving.

"The event was a tribute to the courage of those days and to the continuous devotion of these veterans, who remain a worthy example for the whole society," a press release issued by the Interior Ministry said.

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