The European Action Movement (MAE) urges voters to go and vote on Wednesday. The Movement opines that “Moldova's future outlook depends on everybody” and “we can change everything with one vote,” Info-Prim Neo reports.
MAE leader Anatol Petrencu stated on Monday – the last day of the race – that “the voters must realize that we pass through a historic moment.” He calls on voters “not to be lazy.” “Within 20-30 minutes, the time it takes you to vote, you can decide our life for the coming 10-20 years,” the MAE leader stated.
He has told the MAE's supporters to vote for one of those three opposition parties: the Liberal Party, Liberal Democratic Party and Our Moldova Alliance, because, only with the help of the Moldovan democratic forces, a genuinely democratic regime will be installed. “It's very important for us to strengthen democracy in Moldova,” Anatol Petrencu concluded.
The president of the European Youth Forum, Andrei Pavaloi, has called on the youth to go and vote, as it is known they are often inactive in elections. “We want to live in a democratic state, to grow up in a free country, without Communists,” he told the same news conference.
Later last week, MAE officially withdrew from the race in favor of the opposition parties.