MAE demands dismissal of general prosecutor

The European Action Movement (MAE) asks general prosecutor Valeriu Gurbulea to step down “for the recent statements about the reprisals after the April 7 events,” Info-Prim Neo. “We are deeply indignant about the irresponsible position of the general prosecutor, who, in a gross attempt to manipulate the public opinion, suggested that the abuses, mutilations and torture to which youths were subjected to in police commissariats are 'inventions',” reads a statement issued by MAE. MAE says it is disappointed that the authorities accept to take part in the national manipulation mastered by the PCRM. “This regime, who tried to blame everybody except for its own dictatorial mechanism of oppression, exceeded itself this time. At the same time it's ridiculous and cruel to say that the ill-treated youths wounded themselves. It means Mr. Gurbulea also maintains that the ones who died, actually killed themselves,” stated Anatol Petrencu, the MAE leader. According to him, these statements confirm that, under the PCRM's dictatorship, totalitarianism and oppression acquired dimensions exceeding any limits and common sense in Moldova. Gurbulea said that on the night of April 8, Valeriu Boboc was taken from the Great National Assembly Square. Later, he was taken to the Emergency Hospital in a police car. The doctors established that he was dead. “Legal action was immediately taken over this case,” Gurbulea said. He said that the first version according to which the young man got poisoned with an unknown substance was formulated by the Prosecutor’s Office on the basis of the death certificate issued by medical examiners. The doctors explained that no other version existed at that time as a series of medical tests have not been carried out, the Prosecutor General said. The Prosecutor General also denied that another three young persons discovered dead after April 7 had died after beaten by the police. He reiterated the official versions announced earlier in every case: Maxim Canishchev was found dead in the Ghidighici lake. In his home, the police found a letter where the young man says goodbye to his close persons; Eugen Tapu strangled himself with his own shoestrings, while Ion Tabuleac jumped from a pillar Valeriu Gurbulea said that 173 persons were detained, but only 117 arrested. However, the Deputy Minister of the Interior Valentin Zubic presented other figures: the administrative arrest of 206 persons.

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