Speaker Marian Lupu, the leader of the Democratic Party, says that events such as the march for unification with Romania, scheduled for September 16 in Chisinau, are not organized without support from abroad. “In addition to the political forces or parties that generate these marches from the inside, I shouldn't rule out the possibility – and I don’t have any evidence at hand, but simple logic tells me – that these wouldn’t happen without interference from abroad”, Lupu told an interview with Radio Europa Libera.
The Speaker thinks that such events are not accidental. “They are part of a very well planned scenario promoted by some of the radical organizations. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that far-right as well as far-left parties could be behind these events. Because all the dramatic outcomes they produce are only intended to polarize society, to consolidate these far-right organizations on this niche, but at the same time they ultimately benefit the Communist Party”, said Marian Lupu.
“These demonstrations are very dangerous. They produce very clear, short-term effects that destabilize the political and social situation. On the other hand, these events falsely promote the idea that the national political agenda is to destroy Moldova’s statehood and unite with a different state, even though they’re supported by marginal groups”.
Marian Lupu stressed that he doesn’t see Moldova as a temporary state project that, sooner or later, will lose its statehood and independence. “In the Republic of Moldova we offer every citizen the right to self-identification, as one considers appropriate: Do you consider yourself Moldovan? You have every right. Do you consider yourself Romanian? Good for you. Do you identify yourself as Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian or Gagauzian? Be my guest. But we all together build a common state. We are all Moldovans, as citizens of this country, as a civic nation of our country”, declared the Democrat leader.
A march whose intended goal is to promote unification with Romania was announced for September 16 in Chisinau. The organizers, an organization called the Civic Platform “Action 2012”, said they expect more than 10,000 people to attend. Several political parties and civic organizations expressed their opposition and announced counter-demonstrations. An earlier such procession, which took place in August in Balti, ended in a clash between the demonstrators and counter-demonstrators.