Lot of Sputnik V vaccine delivered to Chisinau

A new consignment of Sputnik-V vaccine doses against COVID-19, provided by the Russian Federation, arrived at the Chisinau International Airport last night. The lot consists of 64,000 doses, 44,000 of which will remain on the right side of the Nistru, while 20,000 will be taken to the Transnistrian region, IPN reports.

Attending the vaccine welcoming event, secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection Igor Curov said the doses will be transported to the storehouse of the National Public Health Agency where all the storage conditions are ensured. Later, they will be distributed proportionally to all the districts of the country.

The Republic of Moldova also received 71,000 Sputnik-V vaccine doses on April 26, for administering the first shot. In several days, there were delivered another 71,000 doses for administering the second shot.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, the COVID-19 vaccination rate in Moldova at present is of 12% of the population.

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