“Life Deserves to Be Lived” campaign in support of children with cancer

A campaign entitled “Life Deserves to Be Lived” was launched to collect coins for buying Christmas presents for children with cancer who are receiving treatment at the Oncological Institute of Chisinau. The campaign is carried out during December 10 – 20 on the initiative and with the assistance of the charity store Shop-MESTO, IPN reports.

Those who want can gather coins and take them to one of the collection points opened at MESTO store in Chisinau from Monday through Friday, between 10am and 7pm (Sunday between 10am and 4pm), at the showroom JULIA ALLERT each day from 10am to 8pm or at the representative office of CREENWAY in Moldova from Tuesday through Sunday, between 12 noon and 7pm.

Those who want to contribute are urged to tell their friends, colleagues, neighbors about this campaign or to even set up a collection box in the office, gym or classroom. For group collection events, the organizers will offer promotional materials and boxes.

The proceeds will go to purchase the presents wanted by the about 40 children treated at the Oncological Institute.

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