The Liberal-Democratic parliamentary group intends to bring back the issue of condemning all totalitarian regimes on the Parliament's agenda, the group's leader Valeriu Strelet told a press conference.
According to Strelet, condemning all totalitarian regimes and banning their symbols is absolutely crucial.
He added that the motion to condemn totalitarian communism in the version presented by the Liberal Party and adopted at the end of the previous parliamentary session leaves room for interpretation. “While admitting that the motion which we are proposing is not yet exemplary, we should note that the one adopted at the end of last session leaves room for much interpretation and profound confusions. In our bill we made some clarifications concerning, for example, state distinctions which depict the hammer and the sickle. Also, it includes the proposal to collect ideological symbols and create a museum of totalitarian regimes”, said the MP.
Valeriu Strelet also said that during debates on the motion, amendments will be proposed concerning people who caused sufferings and committed crimes during totalitarian regimes. “This is a very sensible bill, but the politicians will work on it to reach an exhaustive version”, stated Strelet.