The Liberal Party (PL) sues the decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) giving the Communists 48 seats in the parliament. PL leader Mihai Ghimpu wants the Chisinau Appellate Court to decide to allot by a seat to the Liberal Party and to Our Moldova Alliance, taking them from the PCRM and the PLDM, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“Anyway the opposition wins a seat,” said Mihai Ghimpu at a news conference on August 5.
On Tuesday, the CEC announced that, in the future legislature, the PCRM would have 48 seats, PLDM – 18, PL – 15, PDM – 13 and AMN – 7. The PL asked a team of mathematicians under the aegis of the Moldovan Science Academy to say their opinion as to the distribution of the seats and the mathematicians answered in the way that pleased the Liberals.
On August 4, the AMN's and the PL's representatives about the CEC did not agree with the so-called d'Hondt method of calculating the seats, showing their own formulae. CEC secretary Iurie Ciocan said then the mathematical method was right, but not legal. Mihai Ghimpu stated on August 5 that neither the Election Code, nor the Constitution provide for using the d'Hondt method, as every vote has the same legal weight.
Referring to the talks with the other three non-Communist parties about setting up a ruling coalition, the Liberal leader has said those “go slowly, but well.” Ghimpu has declined to say a deadline to end the talks, but has said they are to end before the first sitting of the legislature.
As the PLDM leader, the PL president says the negotiations are not conducted around sharing offices, but around principles. One of them, according to Mihai Ghimpu, is building a state of law respecting the rights of all the citizens. He wants the future coalition to be named the Coalition for European Integration and has called on the ethnic minorities not fear the Liberals' coming to power.
Another round of talks among the non-Communist parties takes place today, but Ghimpu refused to say when and where. “We'll hold a news conference when we'll want to tell you things,” he addressed journalists.
The PL leaders meets Russian ambassador on Wednesday, after he met with the US ambassador and the representative of the European Union.