Liberalization of the insurance market has made premiums cheaper

The liberalization of the insurance market has made premiums cheaper and will increase the rate of claims, estimates economic expert Veaceslav Ionita. According to him, the turnover of insurance premiums amounted to 29.3 billion lei in these years, while the amount of claims amounted to 10.7 billion lei. The amount remaining with insurance companies and brokers who brokered the sale of insurance premiums amounted to 18.6 billion lei, IPN reports.

"The annual compensation of insurance companies is up to 40% of what we pay annually for insurance. It is a shameful indicator and it is a disaster. You can't develop an insurance market if your claims are less than 40% of premiums. We either pay very expensive car insurance or we have too few claims paid out. It must be 60%. Like in the Baltic States. In developed countries this level is 80-85%", said Veaceslav Ionita.

With reference to the rate of paid damages, the economist said that in 2024 an improvement of this indicator - 40.6% - was attested. "It is better compared to previous years, but it is disastrous compared to developed countries," the economist said.

According to Ionita, until the stage of liberalization and digitalization of the insurance market, launched earlier this year by the National Bank of Moldova, 45% of premiums were sold by brokers, who collected a commission of almost 40% of the value of a premium. "The brokers were charging more than 25% of the amount left after paying claims, which showed that we had a very, very weak insurance market," the economist said.

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