Liberal Party can obtain one more seat

Politologist Mihai Cernencu does not rule out that the recount of the votes cast for the Chisinau Municipal Council can bring the Liberal Party one more seat. “Over 7,000 votes were declared invalid, while the Liberal Party, as it said, was short of 336 votes to obtain one more seat. The party can garner the necessary number of votes,” Mihai Cernencu stated for Info-Prim Neo. The politologist said the Court of Appeal’s decision is opportune as it will eliminate suspicions. “Irregularities were reported in a number of electoral districts. They probably provided arguments and the Chisinau Court of Appeals passed an irrevocable decision based on them,” said Mihai Cernencu. He also said that he does not understand the reaction of the Communist Party’s jurist, who accused the court of taking a political decision. “The court was not reformed by the current power and it does not work for it. The judges remained the same who were named by the Communists. If a decision was passed, it must be respected and adopted,” said Mihai Cernencu. He spoke about the situation in Durlesti town, saying it is a paradox to demand a vote recount in a settlement of the municipality, but oppose a similar decision covering the whole municipality. “It is a kind of political schizophrenia in such an exhausting election race that wasn’t based on competition of programs, but on political tricks, especially on the part of the Communist Party,” said the politologist. Mihai Cernencu does not exclude that the vote recount can radically change the composition of the Municipal Council. “Certainly, the political forces interested or involved in this battle are making everything possible to defend their interests,” he said. On June 17, the Chisinau Court of Appeals ordered a recount of the votes given for the Chisinau Municipal Council, following a challenge lodged by the Liberal Party.

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