Lib-Dem faction leader suggests President should be elected with Communist participation

The participation of the parliamentary opposition in the election of Moldova's President is an inevitable condition in this process, thinks MP Valeriu Strelet, the leader of the Liberal-Democratic faction in Parliament. Valeriu Strelet told that the disruption of the dialogue with the opposition was a mistake that should be corrected. “The President must be elected. Otherwise, we run the risk of entering a much more harsher zone of political and social instability. The Liberal-Democratic Party is against early elections. We will make every effort to avoid early elections in order to give society a period of stability”, said Valeriu Strelet. Strelet thinks that the President of the country should be elected no later than at the end of this year, and that an alternate candidate should be identified for presidency. “I hope our Alliance colleagues will accept to review the AIE 2 Founding Agreement, because an alternative scenario would entail early elections”, said Valeriu Strelet. Strelet stated that whichever the final response of the Constitutional Court on the way to elect the president would be, the Liberal-Democratic Party favors the constitutional provision which requires a minimum of 61 votes to pick the head of state.

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