​​​​​​​Legal framework for public control adjusted to EU standards

The implementation and development of modern systems of internal managerial control and the consolidation of the internal audit function, as part of the internal public financial control, must be a continuous concern, with a high degree of priority. The statement was made by the Minister of Finance, Natalia Gavrilița, at the closing event of the twinning project "Support for the development of an efficient internal control and audit environment in the public sector of the Republic of Moldova", funded by the EU.

The project, which was launched two years ago, is implemented by the Ministry of Finance, with the support of the German and Romanian administrations.

Natalia Gavrilița said that the project, which is coming to an end, aimed to strengthen the capacities of public entities in implementing the internal managerial control and internal audit systems, as well as establishing a solid mechanism for training specialists in the field of internal public financial control. "Despite all the challenges related to the lack of political will of some members of the previous government, the political instability and changes in the ministry's management team, this project brought a significant contribution to the development of the internal public financial control system", the minister said.

Present at the event, the EU ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Peter Michalko, said that the project successful achieved many things, yet the most important achievement is the adjustment of the legal framework regarding public internal control and audit to EU standards. The internal controllers and auditors of the ministries and other public institutions were trained how to better perform their duties. The awareness of the management personnel regarding the need to have a robust internal control system and audit was raised.

The ambassador claimed that, due to challenges that were encountered in certain areas, further efforts will be required in order to continue the implementation of reforms after the project is completed. The EU official referenced the insufficiency of staff in the internal control and audit units in ministries and other agencies.

Angela Ganninger, Germany's ambassador to Chișinău, said that one of the objectives of the project was for the government and other authorities to prioritize the internal control and audit in the public sector. In this regard, it is necessary to allocate sufficient resources, including human resources.

The Romanian Ambassador to Chișinău, Daniel Ioniță, highlighted that it was essential for the recommendations of EU experts to be implemented, including the allocation of necessary human resources, so that delays in fulfilling the objectives are overcome.

The project consists of several components, including the strengthening of the general financial management and control system and the strengthening of the capacity of central administrations and individual budget organizations to respond to internal and external audit recommendations. Additionally, the project aimed to strengthen the system and the internal audit capabilities of the state and local public authorities, as well as it aimed to establish a solid mechanism for training specialists in the field of public finances.

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