The lawyers for the wife of the man who was killed in Vulcănești village of Nisporeni district last May requested the court to reject the simplified procedure under which four defendants are investigated for hooliganism and to retry the case according to the general procedure. According to them, the examination of the case according to a simplified procedure offers the culprits the right to benefit from a 1/3 reduction in the limits of punishment. The lawyers also ask the prosecutor to formulate a new accusation by which all the four culprits will be charged with the murder of Serghei Stoica, leaving in danger and murder attempt on Olga Stoica.
In a news conference at IPN, lawyer Ion Mazur said the Prosecutor’s Office does not consider that all the culprits are guilty of complicity in murder and accused four of them of hooliganism only. The defendants, seeing that they can get a symbolic punishment, decided to admit in court some of the aspects of the accusation of hooliganism, namely use of impolite language. “And the court of law, without respecting the legal conditions and requirements, ordered to examine the case according to a simplified procedure, where only the defendants are questioned and the punishment is cut by one third. The culprits actually do not accept the accusation, but only the formal count of acts of hooliganism. In other words, they admit that they used rude words, but say that they didn’t push and didn’t threaten anyone,” stated the lawyer.
Consequently, the rights of the successor of the injured party and their minor children are seriously violated and the European Court of Human Rights will be notified of these violations, namely of Article 2 of the Convention, right to life, and Article 6, right to a fair trial, if the prosecution and the court do not take immediate remedying measures, said Ion Mazur.
Svetlana Mazur said there are testimonies of persons who were at the scene and saw and heard important details. Based on these testimonies, the four defendants should have been accused of murder as they all took part. Both the court and the prosecution didn’t take all the measures. Eyewitnesses who were at the scene, the injured party, related that as a result of a conflict, on the initiative of one of the defendants, they all agreed to go and kill Stoica Serghei. None of them opposed. They all got into a car and travelled to the victim’s place.
Olga Stoica told the same news conference that she had an audience with the prospector general, who told her that the actions of the prosecutors in this case will be examined. Following examinations, she was informed that the accusation of hooliganism against the four is appropriate as not all of them went to kill her husband. Her daughter, who saw what happened, confirmed that one of them brought by car the man who fired, another man gave him the gun and so on. She just wants justice to be done and the persons to blame to be held accountable so that no such cases happen anymore.
The lawyers also said that the man who is accused of murder is under arrest and the other four culprits are under house arrest. The case is tried by the Ungheni Court of Law. The examination is over and only the oral pleadings are to be listened to. The hearing was set for February 7, 10am.