The older men and women are differently affected by gender inequality. In the case of women, it is ascertained that the employment rate and the size of salaries and pensions are much lower than those among men. In the case of men, the level of precarious work is much higher, while the level of skills and studies is much lower, as is their wish to study. The causes of gender inequality are different, says an analysis made by the Center “Partnership for Development”, IPN reports.
Alina Andronache, one of the analysis authors, said the inequalities that affect the older women are due to the improper policies cornering retirement and employment of pensioners. These policies have been partially improved the past few years. It was decided to equal the retirement age and contributory period, to improve the way in which the period of childcare leave is integrated into contributory period, to introduce the minimum pension. “The employment of older women is influenced in a secondary way by the few opportunities to look after children aged between 0 and 3. This way, a significant part of retired women have to assume care tasks and to withdraw from the labor market for good,” stated Alina Andronache.
According to the expert, in the case of inequalities that affect men, the causes refer to structural factors related to their segregation in sectors with low productivity and high levels of informality. “This fact leads to a higher level of precarious work with bigger risks that the labor rights will not be respected and with a very small predilection for continuous education and improvement of skills,” explained Alina Andronache.
She noted there are discriminatory provisions even in the legislation. For example, the Labor Code enables the employer to hire or unilaterally end the individual work contract for the reason that the employee has the status of old-age pensioner. Such discrimination in the exercise of the right to work affects primarily women.
Andrei Brighidin, a member of the Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality, said that starting with 2017, when this legal provision was adopted, over 30 cases concerning age discrimination in the workplace have been started, but there were much more complaints. Changes should be made by taking into account objective and reasonable justification matching the pursued goal. “Such provisions can exist when the desideratum of optimal management of the labor force is taken into consideration depending on the case and the measure is clearly justified given that a large number of young people are eager to take up these jobs,” stated Andrei Brighidin.
According to the experts, to promote decent employment of older people, the authorities should undertake firm commitments, but can start by eliminating the provisions that discriminate against older persons, especially older women.
The document was designed in the framework of the project “Civic initiative for promoting during the pandemic the rights of employed persons” that is implemented by the CPD with financial support from Soros Foundation Moldova.