John McCain pleads for freeing Moldova from Jackson amendment

U.S. Senator John McCain, who was in Chisinau on a visit, in a news conference held jointly with Prime Minister Vlad Filat on June 12, said he will continue to urge the U.S. Congress to exempt Moldova from the effects of the Jackson amendment, Info-Prim Neo reports. ”The U.S. Congress supports the democratic development of this Government. This support starts with the respect for Moldova’s economic integrity and the democratic and European integration reforms. Taking this progress into account, I will continue to work in the U.S. Congress so that Moldova is freed from the Jackson amendment. I agree with the U.S. vice president as regards the support for the democratic reforms taking place here,” said John McCain. PM Vlad Filat said the U.S. senator’s visit proves that Moldova is indeed a free country that follows the road to democracy. “This visit shows that the U.S. Congress has an increased interest and a clear commitment to contribute to the promotion of the dialogue between the Unites States and Moldova. We approve of the U.S. senator’s readiness to support Moldova in its efforts to be freed from the Jackson amendment in the near future,” said Vlad Filat. He also said that the visit points to the favorable development of the Moldova-U.S. dialogue and is another clear signal of support on the part of the United States for the Moldovan people and the democratic and economic changes that the Government of Moldova pledged to implement. “The U.S. backs Moldova in its efforts to become a regional leader in implementing democratic and economic reforms, being thus an example for other countries of the region,” said Vlad Filat. The Premier thanked the U.S. senator for his personal involvement in such important matters for Moldova as the European integration and the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. John McCain came to Moldova at the invitation of Vlad Filat. The Jackson–Vanik amendment is a 1974 provision in United States federal law that denies most favored nation status to certain countries with non-market economies that restrict emigration, which is considered a human right. It started to be applied to Moldova in 1975, when it formed part of the USSR. While in Washington this January, Prime Minister Vlad Filat asked exempting Moldova from the effects of this amendment.

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