APRIL DIGEST. Most important news articles of „IPN Chișinău” news flow

April 1: The 2023-2024 heating season in Chisinau ends on April 1, deputy mayor of the capital city Ilie Ceban announced in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services. “The temperatures have been rather high. It’s pretty warm. Therefore, please, starting today, sign the order on the closure of the heating season,” stated Ilie Ceban.

April 1: From 350 to 395 workers are daily involved in manual cleanup works in Chisinau municipality. On Sundays, about 75 workers are on duty. Also, mechanized cleanup works are carried out on the main and secondary arteries of the capital city and also on sidewalks with the help of Hako machines and road sweeping machines attached to tractors. About 20 units are daily engaged in such works. Only last week, about 210 trailers with waste were gathered in Chisinau and taken away.

April 1: The lot situated close to the Circus, which was sold at the last auction held by the Chisinau City Hall for 95 million lei, was seized immediately after the sale. The municipality considers the seizure by a bailiff’s decision is illegal and intends to notify prosecutors and the National Anticorruption Center.

April 1: The works to fill potholes on the roadway with hot mix asphalt began. Last week, such works were performed on the main streets of the city, which are used by municipal public transport. The Chisinau City Hall said that employees of the municipal road maintenance company “Exdrupo” performed works in all the districts of the city.

April 1: The minister of education’s order on the functioning of groups with extended hours in schools and setting of fees for them was formulated with a number of deviations, deputy head of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sports Andrei Pavaloi stated in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services. He noted that under such conditions, the document cannot be carried out.

April 2: In Chisinau, there are four municipal day centers where specialized services for children with autism are provided free of charge. In connection with World Autism Awareness Day, which is marked annually on April 2, the Chisinau City Hall launched a campaign to raise public awareness of the problems and needs of people with autism.

April 2: The Chisinau City Hall has facilitated the process of registering children with special educational needs (SEN) in the first grade. The school district set for the enrollment of these children in school will no longer be taken into account. The goal is to ensure that these children have appropriate educational opportunities and that they are enrolled at the school that is the best suited to their specific needs.

April 2: The first pedestrian information display equipped with solar panel and autonomous lighting was inaugurated on Mihai Eminescu Square in the capital city. The Chisinau City Hall said that such tourist boards are an initiative aimed at digitizing the city. By scanning the QR code on the board, the person is redirected to the  digital map indicating the location and all the tourist attractions of Chisinau in the area.

April 3: Chisinau mayor Ion Ceban said that employees of the City Hall, instead of dealing with city’s problems, daily provide explanations, go to all kinds of inspectors from various institutions to present information. According to him, it goes to political orders coming from the government.

April 5: A new irrigation system covering all the trees in “Mihai Eminescu” square in central Chisinau capital was set up. The trees were planted at the end of last year, replacing the old trees in the area. “Workers of the municipal enterprise “Green Spaces Management Association” installed drainage tubes at the roots of all large-leaved linden trees. Their function is to capture rainwater and direct it directly to the root system," the Chisinau City Hall said.

April 5: The enterprise “Apă-Canal Chișinău” manages about 4,000 kilometers of water pipes and over 3,000 kilometers of sewerage networks. The wear and tear of water supply networks is at a high level. The average wear of pipelines exceeds 75%, while that of steel networks rises to 90%. In the course of 2023, around 10,000 leakages in networks were recorded, but the figure decreased compared with 2019 due to the use of modern repair parts. “Since 2014, when the loan agreements with EBRD and EIB were signed, we have managed to build about 120 kilometers of water pipes and seven kilometers of sewerage networks,” said Irina Gutnic, deputy mayor of Chisinau. But modernizing networks is not enough and the responsible attitude of citizens is also required. When the residents of Chisinau use the networks as garbage bins, not only incidents or blockages appear. The public sewerage system is damaged and enormous costs for remediation are subsequently required.

April 5: The Chisinau City Hall will put up a new sports area in Râșcani Forest-Park. The new grounds that will be built there are intended for various categories of sports. They will take the place of the current improvised grounds, said the mayor general of Chisinau Ion Ceban.

April 6: Two sports events will take place in Chisinau on April 6 and 7. These are the Chisinau Swimming Cup and the Spring Starts running race of 500 m, 1.5 km, 6 km in the junior, youth, senior and veteran categories. According to the Chisinau City Hall, the Chisinau Swimming Cup will be held on April 6 and 7 at the pool of the Sports School for Children and Juniors No.11, located at 57 Alecu Russo St.

April 6: People will be offered specialist consultations on non-communicable diseases in Chisinau’s Stefan cel Mare Public Garden on Sunday, from 9:00 to 12:00. The event is held to mark World Health Day on April 7, with the help of the Moldovan-Swiss project “Healthy life: reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases”, the City Hall announced. Visitors will be offered advice from diabetes specialists and get their blood sugar levels checked, among other free of charge services.

April 6: More than 200 trees were planted near the Municipal Waste Landfill in Țânțăreni commune. The trees will provide a habitat for different species of birds and insects, says the Chisinau City Hall, which is the initiator of the planting campaign. Among the tree species planted were two types of maple, ash, willow and acacia, which were specially selected for the environmental conditions of the area.

April 8: The students of the Chisinau Theoretical High School “Liviu Deleanu”, where a fire broke out last Friday, will learn online this week. The cessation of the educational process with physical presence was decided by the Commission for Emergency Situations of Buiucani district. The members of the Commission discussed on the spot the priority actions to deal with the consequences of the fire at the high school. The damage caused by the fire was assessed and the necessary measures to remedy the situation were identified. Measures will be taken to ensure a safe and secure environment inside the high school. A repair plan for the affected spaces will also be worked out.

April 8: Cleaning and garbage disposal works have started in the 11 cemeteries of Chisinau. The municipal authorities urge the citizens to also come and clean up the graves of their relatives. “Traditionally, ahead of the holy Easter holidays, we carry out an extensive cleanup and waste disposal campaign on the territory of the 11 cemeteries. Last week we involved 11 transport units and also almost 60 employees. Thus, with our own forces, we managed to evacuate about 155 cubic meters of solid waste,” Ludmila Boțan., administrator of the funeral services company “Combinatului Servicii Funerare”, said in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services.

April 8: A survey will be conducted in Chisinau this week to ask young people aged between 14 and 35 about their needs. The survey results will be presented at the end of May at the Municipal Youth Forum.

April 8: The draft municipal budget for 2024 is finalized and will be approved when there is political will in this regard, the mayor of Chisinau Ion Ceban stated in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services on April 8.

April 9: The problem related to the disposal of household waste in the suburbs of Budesti, Tohatin, Cruzesti and Colonita has been solved, the Chisinau City Hall has said. According to the municipality, the problem was solved thanks to the implementation of the intercommunity project that is financially supported by the USAID-funded “My Community” program, the local authorities of the four suburbs, in partnership with the City Hall.

April 11: Starting from Friday, paying for the trip at the stationary validators will also be possible in trolleybuses on route 3, the Chisinau City Hall announced. At present, passengers can pay at stationary validators on trolleybus routes 22, 23, 24 and 30, as well as on bus routes 2 and 5.

April 12: The Chisinau Municipal Youth Center has launched the process of questioning the young people within the municipal survey to identify the needs of young people in the capital city. In total, 1,800 young men and women will be surveyed. The questions cover topics ranging from education and opportunities for personal and professional development to social and cultural concerns of young people.

April 12: The beach in the Chisinau Park “La izvor” in Chisinau is being revamped. The sand is being wrought and leveled, while the banks of the pond are being cleaned. The Chisinau City Hall said the playgrounds in the park are being repaired and painted, including the ground intended for people with disabilities. Repair and maintenance works were carried out on rocking chairs, slides and swings.

April 13: A number of streets in the capital city will be partially inaccessible to vehicle traffic on Sunday, April 14, between 12 noon and 1 p.m., in connection with the “Opening of Motorcycle Season” event and a parade of motorcycles, organized by the public association “Goldwing Club Moldova”. The Chisinau City Hall said that the participants in the event will set off from the Great National Assembly Square and will then move on a single lane.

April 15: In the municipality of Chisinau, improvised or unauthorized fences and anti-parking devices placed in public spaces were demolished. The worn-out metal elements from playgrounds in courtyards of residential buildings were also taken away. The activities are part of the cleanup campaign that daily involves hundreds of volunteers, employees of district head’s offices and municipal services.

April 15: The municipality is preparing the parks in Chisinau for the summer season. Sand is being brought to the beaches, changing cubicles are being repaired and showers will be turned on. “When temperatures are high, the residents of the city can rest near the lakes in Chisinau’s parks. Where necessary, the sand on the beaches was renewed. We carry out works to soften the sand,” the interim director of the Green Spaces Management Association Tudor Gîrbu stated in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services.

April 15: A fair dedicated to seed and planting materials will be set up in Chisinau near the Central Market on Varlaam Street. Deputy Mayor Olga Ursu organized a meeting with domestic producers, at which it was decided to open the fair on April 18. The fair aims to facilitate the marketing of planting and seed materials, saplings and flower seedlings. The Central Market is actively involved in this project, allocating vending spots for domestic producers and ensuring the sanitation of the adjacent territory.

April 16: In the coming weeks, the volunteers and workers of the Mobile Youth Center will travel with scooters in the parks, squares and neighborhoods of Chisinau to provide young people with information about the activity of the five Youth Centers. The municipal program Mobile Youth Center, the second edition, which started today, aims to offer friendly services to the young people of Chisinau and to inform them about the growth opportunities they can enjoy.

April 17: Vehicle traffic will not have access to the section of Matei Basarab St between Moscova Blvd and Florilor St during April 17-19. The Chisinau City Hall said that excavation works to fix a sewer network problem on Matei Basarab St will be carried out in the period.

April 17: Thirty-seven measles cases have been reported in Moldova since the beginning of this year. Measles is a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to serious complications. Eighteen of the 37 cases were recorded in a Chisinau temporary placement center for Ukrainian refugees. Deputy head of the General Medical and Social Assistance Division of Chisinau Vladimir Bolocan said that the vaccination rate in Ukraine, especially against measles, is very low, but the vaccine is the only remedy that prevents infection with measles.

April 17: The victims of the Jewish Pogrom of 1903 were commemorated today in Chisinau. The leadership of the City Hall, together with representatives of the Jewish community of Moldova, representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations laid flowers at an iconic monument in Alunelul Park. Mayor Ion Ceban condemned the horrors of the 1903 Pogrom to which the Jews of Chisinau were subjected 121 years ago. The mayor highlighted the role of the Jewish community in Chisinau at that time, who contributed significantly, together with the native population, to the development of the city.

April 18: Cat owners in Chisinau have the opportunity to sterilize their pets free of charge as part of a campaign launched by the municipal animal supervision agency. Those interested need to fill out a registration form.

April 18: The Memorial Complex “Eternity” will be transferred under the management of the municipality of Chisinau. The announcement was made by mayor general Ion Ceban, who discussed this fact with the Ministry of Defense. “We agreed that this park that is symbolic for the citizens should be managed by the Chisinau City Hall. I proposed including the subject on the CMC’s agenda and today the transmission of this facility under the management of the City Hall will be voted on,” said the mayor.

April 20: The second route of the tourist trolleybus “Chisinau Sightseeing” is launched in the capital city. Starting April 20, passengers will be able to discover a new route that includes “Mihai Eminescu” National Theatre, the Train of Pain Monument, and Alexandru Plămădeală’s House. The Chisinau City Hall said the tourist trolleybus will run every weekend on a route that will cover about 40 tourist attractions, including the Organ Hall, the Train Station, the Holy Great Martyr Teodor Tiron Monastery, Alexandru Plămădeală’s House, the Church of Saint Theodora de la Sihla. During the trip, the passengers will hear outstanding musical selections that include pieces by local artists.

April 20: A. Mateevici St in Chisinau will be inaccessible to vehicle traffic on Saturday, between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. The Chisinau City Hall said that restrictions were imposed in connection with filming within a cinematographic project. “The activities were approved by the central responsible authorities, the General Police Inspectorate and the General Inspectorate of Carabineers, which will ensure public order throughout the filming,” the municipality said in a press release.

April 22: More than two weeks after the fire, the students of “Liviu Deleanu” High School returned to their classrooms. Andrei Pavaloi, deputy head of the General Education, Youth and Sports Division of Chisinau, said the students will receive takeout food because the meal cannot be served at the canteen for the time being.

April 22: In connection with the risk of infection with measles in Chisinau and throughout the country, the Public Health Center recommends not to admit unvaccinated children to the educational process. The Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights explained that, if vaccination is mandatory, the people who do not want to be vaccinated must opt for alternative methods of education, deputy head of the General Medical and Social Assistance Division of Chisinau Vladimir Bolocan stated at Monday’s meeting of officials of municipal services.

April 22: From May 8, the access of transport units to Saint Lazarus Cemetery in Chisinau will be prohibited. The restriction will also be imposed in the other cemeteries in the capital city starting with May 10 in order to manage to dispose of waste.

April 23: Teachers and students of the Theoretical Lyceum “Liviu Deleanu” in Buiucani district of Chisinau were evacuated from the building after a student set fire to a notebook with a cover in the hallway of the third floor of the institution. The incident was localized by a teacher, who promptly intervened to extinguish the fire and immediately called the 112 Service.

April 24: Twenty-two municipal public institutions - 14 high schools, five kindergartens and three hospitals -were made more energy efficient and were thermally rehabilitated within an energy efficiency project for public buildings. The total area of institutions is over 180,000 square meters, whereas the number of final beneficiaries of the project amounts to 35,000 people.

April 25: During the summer of 2024, thematic camps will be organized in 24 centers managed by the General Division for the Protection of Children’s Rights, where 3,600 beneficiaries will be able to rest free of charge. The subject was discussed by the deputy mayor of Chisinau Angela Kutasevich with teachers from community centers and day care centers managed by the Division.

April 27: The VeloHora cycling race, the 2024 edition, will be staged this Sunday, April 28, in the capital city. In connection with this social-sporting event organized by AO Sports Club “Sporter”, a number of streets will be inaccessible to vehicle traffic. The Chisinau City Hall said that on Sunday, between 06.00 a.m. and 06.00 p.m, the section of Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Blvd between Bănulescu-Bodoni and Pushkin streets will be closed to vehicle traffic, including public transport. Traffic will be diverted onto adjoining streets.

April 27: Municipal fountains will be turned on in Chisinau starting on May 1. Specialists are currently checking equipment such as pumps, taps and piping, and carrying out landscaping and repair work on the surrounding areas and the fountains themselves, so that they can be switched on ahead of the Easter holidays.

April 27: Students of different ages attended on Saturday the first Moldovan-American school summit, called “Connect through Science”. The participants presented the most successful school initiatives from Chisinau and the US state of North Carolina, addressing climate change, urban sustainability and environment protection. The most successful projects implemented in Chisinau were awarded.

April 29: The municipality on May 12 and 13, when it is celebrated Low Sunday or Sunday of the Dead, will provide 100 transport units - about 80 buses and 20 trolleybuses - which will transport citizens free to cemeteries in Chisinau, including Saint Lazarus Cemetery.

April 29: Once the students from all over the country enter the Easter vacation on May 4, the parents will need to show extreme caution and talk to them about how to behave at home and in public spaces so as to be safe. More information activities are staged in educational institutions, said the deputy head of the Chisinau General Education, Youth and Sports Division Andrei Pavaloi.

April 29: Seven articulated trolleybuses purchased in Austria and 18 trolleybuses bought in Riga are expected to reach Chisinau by the end of May. The announcement was made by mayor general Ion Ceban at the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services. The mayor said that priority is given to large-capacity articulated trolleybuses to deal with the large flow of passengers that will start on September 1. All trolleybuses will be checked both technically and aesthetically and maintenance will be ensured.

April 29: The Chisinau Zoo will work according to the summer program as from May 1. Visitors are expected to come to the Zoo from 08:00 until 20:00. At the meeting of officials of municipal services, the deputy mayor of Chisinau Irina Gutnic informed that the Chisinau Zoo will be open to visitors during the May nonworking days, on May 1, May 6 – the second day of Easter - May 9 and May 13 – the second day of the Sunday of the Dead.

April 30: Vehicle traffic will not have access to the section of Renașterii Naționale Blvd between Bogdan Voievod and Calea Orheiului streets and to Meşterul Manole St, the section between Mircea cel Bătrân Blvd and Vadul lui Vodă St from April 30 until May 19. The Chisinau City Hall said the measure was taken in connection with works to apply a thin bituminous surface of Slurry Seal type.

April 30: On Easter and during the Easter holidays, the municipal public transport will run according to a special program. On May 5, on Resurrection Night, trolleybuses No. 2 and 25 and buses No. 5 and 26 will run until 01:00 a.m. Trolleybuses No. 8, 10, 12 and 22 will run throughout the night, at an interval of 30 minutes.

April 30: A thematic fair with Easter products will be organized in the square of the Nativity Metropolitan Cathedral on May 1-4, on the alley opposite Mitropolit Varlaam St. The Chisinau City Hall reminds that thematic fairs with Easter products are held in all districts of the city during April 27 - May 4.

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