Ion Drutsa celebrates 84th birthday
The renowned Moldovan author Ion Drutsa turns 84 today. Arcadie Suceveanu, the president of the Moldovan Writers Union, told Info-Prim Neo that Drutsa is one of the authors endowed with great talent that shaped the face of Moldovan literature.
Arcadie Suceveanu noted that Drutsa produced genuine Moldovan characters, replacing ideologically stereotyped ones. One can feel the earth breathing in Ion Drutsa's novels, with “Frunze de dor” being one of the masterpieces of Moldovan literature, and Drusta's short stories have become iconic, said Suceveanu.
Ion Drutsa published his first stories in the early 1950s. His novels and short stories, including “Frunze de dor” (Leaves of Nostalgia), “Ultima luna de toamna” (The Last Month of Autumn), “Povara bunatatii noastre” (The Burden of our Kindness), “Clopotnita” (The Belfry), “Horodiste”, “Biserica alba” (The White Church), and “Toiagul pastoriei” (The Staff of Pastorship), are part of the golden fund of national literature.
Ion Drutsa is the honorary president of the Moldovan Writers Union, member of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences and honorary member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. He holds the title of People's Writer.
Ion Drutsa was born on 3 September 1928 in Horodiste village, Donduseni district. He worked at the papers “Taranul sovietic”, “Moldova socialista” and at the magazine “Femeia Moldovei”. His first volume of short stories “La noi in sat” (In our Village) was published in 1953, followed by other short pieces and the novels “Frunze de dor” and “Povara bunatatii noastre”.