Ioana and 29 other films return to Chisinau

Thirty films belonging to the National Fund of Moldova will be returned in the country from the Ukrainian Cinema Center “Aleksandr Dovzhenko”, Info-Prim Neo reports. The films had been sent to the Ukrainian studio in the early 90s to be copied, but neither the originals nor the copies were returned. “These films are part of Moldova’s cultural heritage. At the same time, keeping them in the Ukrainian studio is a little expensive. Considering that the “A. Dovzhenko” Center is willing to return the films without any fees for their safekeeping during over 20 years, the Government proposes the annulment of the import tax on these films”, reads the informative note to the legislative proposal which was approved by the Executive. The author of the initiative is MP Gheorghe Brega. The films include features like Ioana, Capcana, Ultimul haiduc and several short films and documentaries of special interest for researchers and historians.

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