Interpol National Bureau asks Lyon Headquarters to put Platon and Cavcaliuc on wanted list

The Interpol National Bureau requested Interpol’s General Secretariat in Lyon to put controversial businessman Veaceslav Platon and the president of the Party “Building Europe at Home” (PACE) Gheorghe Cavcaliuc, ex-deputy head of the General Police Inspectorate, on the wanted list.

“I confirm the fact that the Interpol National Bureau in the Republic of Moldova transmitted the request to issue Red Notices for Veaceslav Platon and Gheorghe Cavcaliuc last week,” the Bureau’s head Viorel Țentiu stated for IPN.

The Bureau hasn’t yet received a response from the Lyon Headquarters.

In a reaction on his Telegram channel, Gheorghe Cavcaliuc said the Prosecutor’s Office continues the show by order of politicians who have influence and to whom he and the party team he leads are inconvenient. He noted that before going on business to the UK, he informed the Prosecutor’s Office about this by a letter to which he attached the relevant order made by the company for which he works.

Gheorghe Cavcaliuc was accused of hooliganism committed by one or two person and inciting to commit acts of violence against persons after a number of PACE members in April splashed brilliant green on the deputy head of Sângerei district, with the latter being hospitalized.

In the case of Veaceslav Platon, the Chisinau City Court in mid-August issued a warrant for his arrest for a 30-day period after Platon didn’t show up at the hearing in the retried case in which he is accused of passive corruption and swindle. Veaceslav Platon confirmed he was in London after a compatriot saw him on the streets of this city.

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