Integrity inspector could impose fines and order dismissals

The integrity inspector will have the power to order the termination of the employment or service relationships and to impose bans on holding particular positions if there is a substantial difference between the income obtained legally, the expenses incurred and the wealth acquired. Parliament gave a final reading to the draft law that gives integrity inspectors additional levers in the process of examining the assets and personal interests, IPN reports.

The integrity inspector will be able to start contravention cases and to impose a fine if the subject of the declaration provided incomplete or erroneous data, including about non-existent income.

At the same sitting, Parliament ratified the International Treaty on the Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations. The document allows instituting a legal mechanism that will allow integrity authorities to internationally exchange data in relation to their own administrative checks. In this way, it will be possible to identify officials who buy real estate abroad, own businesses or bank accounts with foreign financial institutions which they do not indicate in the asset and personal interest declarations.

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