A guide and a number of risk maps for earthquakes, landslides and floods in the test area - the Moldovan city of Ungheni and Ungheni commune, on the Romanian side of the border - will help the population with the management of risks caused by natural disasters. The items have been produced as a result of the Integrated Networks for Hazard Risk Management (HAZARM) Project, implemented by the Technical University of Moldova, the Iași Technical University and the Moldovan Institute of Geology and Seismology.
Project leader Alina Nicuța-Precul, of the Iași Technical University, told a press conference that the partnership aimed to create a network of researchers in the field of natural disasters. It also sought to create natural hazard maps, as well as a cross-border guide for natural hazard management.
The beneficiaries of the project are the two town halls. The maps and the guide are to be made available to local authorities online and in a conventional format as well.
The guide provides instructions as to how to act in the event of a natural disaster in order to avoid panic and chaos.
Igor Nicoară, director of the Moldovan Institute of Geology and Seismology, said that the failure to observe security rules, in combination with panic, causes at least 80% of losses in the wake of natural and anthropogenic disasters. That is why educating the population is key. The guide proposes simple rules for people to reduce the risks associated with natural disasters.
Livia Nistor-Lopatenco, dean of the Faculty of Construction, Geodesy and Cadastre at TUM, noted that the TUM team was composed of 13 people, scientific researchers, specialists in the field. Topogeodesic measurements were made in the field with the help of modern equipment from the TUM. Moldovan specialists participated in measurements taken in Romania, and viceversa.