Incident with Air Moldova airbus on Domodedovo airport

An incident that involved an airbus of Air Moldova airline occurred on the Moscow Domodedovo airport. When landing, the tail section came into contact with the landing strip. As high winds started when the plane began to land, the airbus entered a mini-zone of windstorms and had to repeat the landing maneuver, IPN reports.

The airline said the incident wasn’t the pilots’ fault and was caused by a natural factor. Examinations are carried out to determine all the circumstances of the incident and to check the plane’s technical condition.

“We confirm that owing to the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, the 9U171 flight didn’t have any passengers aboard and flied to Domodedovo to take passengers to Moldova. As a result of the incident, all the passengers were transported in conditions of maximum safety. They were offered food and drinks,” Air Moldova noted in a press release.

In accordance with the legal provisions, the operator informed the Civil Aviation Authority. “As a result of the incident, no one suffered. As a measure to ensure flight safety, the CAA suspended the certificate of airworthiness for the aircraft involved in the incident until the repair recommendations of the airbus producer are implemented,” said the Authority

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