IGP Chief’s wealth under ANI scrutiny. Cernauteanu: I haven’t hidden anything

The National Integrity Authority (ANI) has launched an investigation into the assets of the Chief of the General Police Inspectorate, Viorel Cernauteanu. During the Rezoomat show on RliveTV, Viorel Cernauteanu stated that he is providing all necessary information to integrity inspectors. He emphasized that he does not wish to justify himself on television but prefers to submit all data to the competent institution, which must issue a legal finding, IPN reports.

ANI inspectors decided to verify the IGP chief’s wealth after media reports surfaced about a house he owns in Colonita, and MP Marina Tauber filed an official complaint requesting an investigation into his income and properties.

"This is a matter that should be left to the competent authorities. I am providing them with all the requested data and figures. Now, we just have to wait for ANI’s findings. Shor is taking advantage of this to further damage my reputation, but everything is legal and justified. I have declared everything, I haven’t hidden anything," said Viorel Cernauteanu.

The Chief of the General Police Inspectorate stressed that information about his wealth is public and can be found in his submitted asset declaration.

"I haven’t hidden anything, I haven’t kept any undeclared assets. Everything is declared and justified. I am a public figure, and that’s why I provide arguments, but I don’t need to make televised justifications. ANI has requested information, and I am providing everything," Cernauteanu added.

The complaint filed by MP Marina Tauber with ANI raises suspicions regarding "undeclared assets" and "conflict of interest." ANI will investigate the case and issue an official conclusion following the verification process.

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