The president of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon said there is no dialogue between the presidential administration and Parliament but only such a dialogue can yield a solution for overcoming the current political crisis. The Socialist leader criticized the consultations held by the President with civil society, saying the discussions on how to overcome the crisis should be held between the state institutions and political parties, IPN reports.
In a special edition of his online program, Igor Dodon said any solution to the political crisis that was generated by the presidential institution, which refuses the dialogue, can be identified only by discussions. The presidential institution does not obey the Constitutional Court’s judgment, which says that a dialogue should be held with the parliamentary majority.
The politician enumerated a number of scenarios that can be put into practice. The first scenario is to ensure a dialogue between the President and the political parties, which could end with the investing of a Government or with snap elections.
The second scenario is to maintain the situation uncertain, as until now, by keeping the current interim government for two more years, until the ordinary parliamentary elections, with an isolated President. Such a situation is difficult, but can be handled.
The third scenario is for the Constitutional Court to provide a legal solution by transferring the relevant powers from the President to other institutions or the Constitution can be amended.
According to the politician, there is also the fourth scenario on which those from outside Parliament bank and this is the “revolution, maidan, chaos”. Those who urge to implement such a scenario consider they can enter Parliament on the wake of protests.
Igor Dodon also said that the snap parliamentary elections will not change much and a dialog will anyway be necessary as a result of them.