Igor Dodon in Brussels: Situation worsened after signing of Association Agreement

Though the forecasts about Moldova’s development after the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU were very optimistic, in reality, after two years of implementation, the situation in the country has worsened. This is the message transmitted by President Igor Dodon in a meeting with the President of the European Council Donald Tusk in Brussels, IPN reports.

In a posting on Facebook, Igor Dodon wrote that if a decision to terminate the Association Agreement with the EU is taken as a result of ordinary or early parliamentary elections or an eventual referendum, as Head of State he will support such an initiative.

“I warned that the decline in the level of confidence in EU institutions and also of those that would like Moldova to integrate into the EU from 68% in 2009 to 38% in 2016 is due to both poor governance in the period and to double standards with geopolitical connotations used by the European officials in relation to what happened in Chisinau during these years,” said Igor Dodon.

He thanked for the financial support provided to Moldova during the last eight years, but expressed his regret at the fact that this assistance didn’t lead to the improvement of the quality of life. “I specified that now, for the Republic of Moldova, it is vital to restore the relations with the Russian Federation. In this connection, I proposed the initiative to launch trilateral EU-Moldova-Russia negotiations on trade,” said the President.

In another development, Igor Dodon asked for assistance in investigating the banking frauds, especially because these were committed after the signing of the Association Agreement, according to him. “We spoke about the fact that the reforms in Chisinau are mainly simulated, but political will is needed for reforming, first of all, the law enforcement agencies, justice sector and the prosecution service,” he stated.

Igor Dodon will also have meetings with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, Vice President of the European Commission; President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Junker and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

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