Igor Dodon expects leaders of PSRM, PDM, PAS and PPPDA to come to discussions

President Igor Dodon said he is ready to have discussions with the leaders of the Party of Socialists (PSRM), the Democratic Party (PDM), the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) and the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” (PPPDA) next week. He noted that three scenarios will be discussed following the situation created in Parliament. One of them is the formation of a coalition of the four parties for a short term, until the presidential elections, IPN reports.

In the program “President Responds”, Igor Dodon said that with the defections of members from the Democratic parliamentary group, the parliamentary majority is now to the limit. They should now decide what to do next and his message is that all the anti-oligarchic parties should combine forces so as to free Parliament from bandits. More exactly, he offered the four parties that are not related to Plahotniuc and Shor – the PSRM, PDM, PAS and PPPDA – to have discussions. If those from the PAS and PPPDA unite with Candu, they will vote together to remove the Chicu Government.

“Do you think that Plahotniuc and Candu want to buy only the Socialists and struggle against Dodon? You are wrong. They want the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Constitutional Court, the justice sector and want to stop the cases started over the bank fraud. Do you think they invested over US$20 million in this new project Pro Moldova, by buying MPs, so that you could name your own government? Mister Năstase, are you so naïve?”, asked Igor Dodon.

According to him, three scenarios are possible in the current situation. In the first case, the Government, even if it does not enjoy support in Parliament, remains a minority one until the presidential elections. Under the second scenario, the four anti-oligarchic parties form a new parliamentary majority, a national salvation or anti-oligarch coalition. But this will be for a short term, for three-four months, so that presidential elections could take place. The third scenario envisions snap elections if the four parties decide that they cannot work together. The Constitutional Court is to say if snap parliamentary elections are possible now. If it says that they are not possible, Parliament would be dissolved after the presidential elections.

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