Igor Boțan: We enter period of stagnation that is dangerous for Moldova

Following the political show witnessed on the first attempt to invest the Government, society was affected as an unpleasant situation for the citizens was created. Natalia Gavrilița, Maia Sandu and the PAS members should have come with a simple message: in a country with a parliamentary regime, the lack of a majority is a big problem and the snap elections are the only solution for overcoming this situation. This thing should have been said without attacking the Socialists and the people would have realized that this is the procedure, the standing expert of IPN’s project Igor Boțan stated in the public debate “First attempt to vote in Government: What was it?” that was staged by IPN News Agency.

According to the expert, the Socialists also lost as the party’s leader Igor Dodon, ex-President, said that the best government was that managed by Ion Chicu, who, for his part, said that Parliament was corrupt and was a national shame. Chicu resigned because this Parliament no longer represents the people. A majority was later formed in Parliament. The big mistake of the Socialists is that they refused to admit that they allied with the representatives of Plahotniuc and Shor. The PSRM is associated with these representatives and this is a negative moment. “The second negative moment for them is that Moldova will remain isolated if they undertake governance. The problem of the citizens is the uncertainty. We all lose and I think that we enter a period of stagnation that is very dangerous for the country” stated the expert.

Igor Boțan noted that a number of minuses were witnessed on the Parliament’s first attempt to vote in the Government. There was no parliamentary majority. There was no President with powers who could support a minority government. The positive side of the first attempt to invest the Government was the appearance of the nucleus of a parliamentary majority.

Asked how reasonable the actions of the Socialists who proposed a new Government are, Igor Boțan said this step was a PR gesture or only the government program and Gavrilița’s team would have been discussed today. By such an action, Igor Dodon reversed the agenda of discussions. The Party of Socialists acts reasonably eventually after studying opinion polls showing that things do not go well for them. They now consider they do not need to hide the alliance with the representatives of Plahotniuc and Shor. They now show that the initiative belongs to them and who wants can join in, while a signed document has now another weight.

He noted that the majority that emerged last December would now take shape and there would be a signed document and a consolidated vote for a common political program. “The stamps are put where it is necessary and I think the Socialists’ wish is close to coming true. The problem is how they will govern the county as I’m sure that if the Durleșteanu Government is voted in, this will work for two years, until the ordinary elections and this is a problem as the governing capacity of a Socialists–Shor-Plahotniuc Government will be marked by the stamp that will be put on the forehead of this majority. But this is the risk they take,” said Igor Boțan.

He also said that the second stage of the current exercise is yet to take place. “Embarrassing situations will be yet witnessed when those who will sign a list will continue to say that they are not in an alliance or a formalized coalition,” stated the expert, noting this is the bad side of the direct election of the President in a parliamentary republic, when the citizens choose a leader who comes with a program that is accepted, but this leader is later told that he/she does not have powers.

The public debate “First attempt to vote in Government: What was it?” is the 171st installment of the project “Developing Political Culture through Public Debates” that is supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation.


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