If elections were held next Sunday, three parties would enter Parliament

If parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, three parties would enter Parliament. The Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BCS) would gain 33.4% of the vote, the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) – 24.1%, while Șor Party – 12.2%, shows the study “Sociopolitical Barometer for July 2022” that was presented by the sociological research company IMAS. Over 14% of the respondents could not answer this question.

Of the respondents who said how they intend to vote, 42.5% would vote for BCS, 30.7% for PAS, while 15.5% for Șor Party.

If snap presidential elections were held next Sunday, 25.4% of those polled would vote for Igor Dodon, while 24.4% for Maia Sandu. Ion Ceban would gain 9.2%, IMAS director general Doru Petruți stated in a news conference at IPN.

The respondents gave mostly grades of 7 to 10 to the work done by Igor Dodon. In the rankings, he is followed by Ion Ceban, Vladimir Voronin, Ilan Șor and Maia Sandu. Compared with the previous study, Natalia Gavrilița’s rating is by 13% lower, said Doru Petruți. The activity of BCS and Șor Party is approved the most. PAS ranks third.

24% of those surveyed consider things in Moldova go right, a decrease of 10% compared with the previous poll. Over 70% of the respondents believe the direction is wrong. Satisfaction with the daily life decreased too. 17% are satisfied, while 62% are not at all satisfied or not really satisfied with their way of living. Compared with the previous poll, 64% of those interviewed consider their life is now worse and only 12% think they live better.

According to Doru Petruți, the number of those who said that they do not feel at all protected by the current government rose from 39% in April to 54% at present. Only 7% feel more or less protected.

Less than 3% of those polled consider the current government is close to the citizens. 29% (down from 37%) believe the current government tries to do good things, but patience is needed. 22% think the current government is inefficient, while 43% that it is a catastrophe for Moldova and should be removed.

75% of those polled are rather dissatisfied with the work done by the Gavrilița Government. 89% consider things under the Gavrilița Government changed slightly, not at all or to a small extent.

Two-thirds of those surveyed said that blaming the war in Ukraine is just a method for hiding the incompetence of the current Government, while one third agree that the war generated price increases and crises to which the Government cannot provide solutions.

Doru Petruți said the image of the current government is perceived negatively by many citizens and this is considered the weakest and most inefficient Government of the past ten years, being followed by the Government of Maia Sandu and the Government of Vlad Filat.

Among the solutions, the citizens named the announcing of snap elections, replacement of ministers, dismissal of the current Government and naming of another Government by PAS. Only10% agree that the current Government should continue its work.

If a referendum on entry into the EU was held, 51% would vote for, while 34% would vote against. 49% would vote for entry into the Eurasian Economic Unit, while 29% would vote against.

As regards the obtaining by the Republic of Moldova of the EU candidate status, 38% of those surveyed consider it is a political decision of the big powers that does not change life in Moldova, 23% - that it is an opportunity for Moldova, but it has slim chances of being successful, 34% - that it is a step forward that can change the life of citizens or it is a big accomplishment for everyone. One third of those polled expect improvements the next few years following the obtaining of this status. 31% consider their life will not change at all and as many believe their life will worsen. Most of the respondents think Moldova could become a full-fledged member of the EU in at least ten years.

The sociopolitical barometer was carried out during July 6-18 and covered a sample of 1,007 persons. The poll was commissioned by Public Media.

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