Representatives of the Institute for Development and Expertise of Projects (IDEP) Moldova provoke the candidates for President to support the Moldovan citizens who deserve European funds, even if the authorities missed the chance of assimilating these. The suggestion is to join in the approach made by the IDEP, more exactly the request to redirect the funds that the central public authorities failed to obtain to the citizens of Moldova through the ECIPES program that would be implemented by the European Commission.
In a news conference at IPN, IDEP Moldova programs director Iurie Calestru said that owing to this program the Moldovan citizens could apply online to have domestic electrical appliances renewed through a platform, with the identity card only. Instead, they will receive a one-off grant of €100 per person. The second large category of beneficiates includes the mayor’s offices that are twinned with EU municipalities. They could implement a local development project with a maximum of €10,000 in EU funding. The young people between the ages of 18-35 seeking to launch a business are the third large category of beneficiaries. They will get by €5,000 for a venture in the services sector or €15,000 for a manufacturing venture.
According to Iurie Calestru, as Moldova two months ago missed the last tranche of €40 million in macro-financial assistance, IDEP Moldova requests the European Commission to redirect these funds to the ECIPES program that the Commission should implement for the benefit of the Moldovan citizens. €40 million is needed to implement the project, which is the sum missed by Moldova because it didn’t fulfill the provisions of the agreement with the EU.
Gabriel Mărgineanu, co-author of the ECIPES program, said that he traveled to European capitals alongside colleagues, had correspondence with heads of state and government of EU member states and discussed with persons who supported them. He called on all the interested persons to access the institution’s website and to inform themselves about the ECIPES program. He noted he would like this initiative to be included in the programs of the candidates for President of Moldova.