I hope European course will be further supported by many other new opportunities, PM

Prime Minister Ion Chicu said the spirit of solidarity as an intrinsic value of the European construct is topical now more than ever. In this difficult period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which tests the health system, generating a major social and economic impact, the European Union, by concrete actions and the provided assistance, is near the Republic of Moldova and its citizens. “By building consistently solid bridges with the European Union, I’m confident that the European course of the Republic of Moldova in the future will also be supported by many other new opportunities,” Ion Chicu stated in a message dedicated to Europe Day, IPN reports.

Premier Chicu said that 75 years ago, mankind was put in front of a major challenge – the harshest and most terrible war that remains one of the most atrocious pages in history. The war that claimed tens of millions of lives showed how valuable peace, reason, wisdom, solidarity and the wish to build together a better world are. This way, 70 years ago, on May 9, a new form of cooperation and rapprochement between the European states was set, laying the bases of one of the most successful projects in history – the European Union – the united and solidary Europe reaffirming today as well its historical success.

“The history of the European Union is a history of common inheritance, of the community of values, which confirms social and economic progress by abandoning selfishness and concentrating on unity through diversity. Owing to what the European Union became during its existence, Europe Day becomes, for its part, an occasion for celebrating peace, unity and prosperity on the European continent,” noted Ion Chicu.

According to him, these values, alongside democracy and the rule of law, inspired the European construct in time. “I ascertain with satisfaction that the same values guide us in the process of developing and transforming our country. By the attachment to the community of European values and the actions taken consequently, we gradually, day by day, transpose the European development model at home, in the Republic of Moldova,” stated the official, noting the Association Agreement is incontestably the most important vehicle in this regard and through the agency of this the state advances further on the European path.

Premier Chicu said that by all the results achieved so far, by the objectives set for the immediate future and also for the medium term, new conditions for the economic development of the state are created so as to improve the people’s life and to ensure greater stability and safety in the future.

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