Horse racing competition staged in Budesti

More than 30 sportspersons from all over the country are taking part in a horse racing competition organized by the Horse Racing Sports Club “Sparta in Budesti. The competition will last for two days and the best athletes will get trophies in the end, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Club’s head Oxana Colieva said the competition is held on the occasion of the celebration of victory over fascism. It involves sportspersons from a number of settlements, including of the Transnistrian region. The race includes seven events. The highest obstacle is 1.35 meters. The participants are divided by categories, depending on the age of the competitors and of the horses. The winners will receive money awards of 500 to 200 lei, trophies, diplomas, and medals. In the opening of the competition, Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca said that he has a special attitude towards horses, also because he was born in the horse year. He rode a horse, saying it was his third attempt so far.

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