Honor Guard celebrates 20th anniversary

The Honor Guard of the National Army celebrates 20 years from its foundation. The ceremony that celebrated the occasion was attended by President of Moldova Nicolae Timofti, who is also the Supreme Commander of the Moldovan Armed Forces, Info-Prim Neo reports. The President stated in his speech that during the 20 years of Honor Guard’s activity, the military professionalism and posture were appreciated and admired on numerous occasions. Minister of Defense Vitalie Marinuta stated that this subdivision of the National Army is a symbol of the state. It is an honor for the Military to contain in its structure such a Company as the Honor Guard, which represents not only the Military, but the entire Republic of Moldova, the Minister said. Several servicemen were decorated during the ceremony. Company Commander, Senior Lieutenant Vasile Ojoga, and NCO Vitalie Josan, were decorated with Military Merit Medal. Another group of servicemen received honorary diplomas from the Government, distinctions and presents from the Ministry of Defense. According to the information given by Colonel Dumitru Mudrenco, Guard Battalion Commander, members of the Honor Guard Company participate at around 250 ceremonies annually, servicing state protocol activities, accreditation ceremonies for foreign diplomats, the handing of state distinctions etc. The Honor Guard recruits youth of height between 1.85 and 1.95 meters, in good physical shape, pleasant physiognomy, and special secondary education. The Honor Guard Company was founded by decree of the Ministry of Defense on June 22, 1992.

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