Holy Week has started

The Orthodox Christians on April 24 entered Holy Week, which is referred to as “Great and Holy Week”. Fasting during this week is very strict. Dairy products and meat products are strictly forbidden. Those who can, give up eating oil too.

Contacted by IPN, the bishop of the Chisinau Church “Saint Dumitru” Pavel Borshevschi said that during the Great and Holy Week the Orthodox Christians prepare spiritually for the Easter holidays and can take communion for several times: on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and on Easter night.

Each day of the Holy Week, called Great and Holy days, signifies one new step of the Savior on the road to crucifixion. Matins services for each day are held on the preceding evening. Matins is often served in the evening, and in some places Vespers is served in the morning.

On most days of the Holy Week, no alcoholic beverages are permitted and no oil is used in the cooking. Friday and Saturday are observed as strict fast days, meaning that nothing should be eaten on those days. However, fasting is always adjusted to the needs of the individuals, and those who are very young, ill or elderly are not expected to fast as strictly.

The last liturgical service is held on Saturday morning and the Resurrection service starts at 12 midnight, when the New Church Year begins.

Easter this year is celebrated on May 1. It is one of the most important feasts of the Christians.

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