Heavy rains cause massive damages
The heavy rainfall on Thursday, June 23, caused massive damages, including 2 broken dam lakes and multiple flooded roads and households.
Liliana Puscasu, press officer of the Service for Civil Protection and Emergencies, told Info-Prim Neo that Wednesday, around 16.00, the level of water in the Prut River reached 2.3 meters. The flow in Costesti-Stanca barrier lake increased from 130 to 190 cubic meters per second. Families in Criva village, Briceni district were evacuated.
Meanwhile, the Costesti-Stanca barrier is prepared to boost the overflow level up to 300-400 cube meters. From Braniste village down to the river mouth, the flow is expected to remain stable. The overflow in the low valley of the river mouth, caused by high debit and Danube’s water level, will be isolated. The Service for Civil Protection and Exceptional Situations is monitoring the situation and has installed watch posts that work continuously. Thursday in the morning, June 24, the level of water suddenly dropped by 2 meters.
Liliana Puscasu says the Service is permanently receiving data from their Ukrainian colleagues, which confirmed the level water dropped 60km north of Cernauti. Besides, the Romanian authorities are cooperating and keep the situation under control.
In the Nistru River, the flow didn’t change significantly.
The heavy rainfalls destroyed 2 lake dams in Cosernita and Boscana villages in Criuleni. Several houses and farming lands were flooded. The level of water reached 1 meter.
The same day, a 62-year-old man that was fishing in Crihana Veche, Cahul district, drowned in pool channel.