Group of traffickers sentenced to 68 years in jail

The Centru Court sentenced three men and three women, who formed part of a criminal group from Cahul dealing with trafficking in human beings, to 10, 11 and, respectively, 13 years in jail. The cumulative jail term for the group is 68 years, IPN reports.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, in February 2011 – March 2012, the culprits organized the leaving of 15 young women from southern Moldova to Turkey, Cyprus and Dubai, where they were exploited sexually. They girls are aged between 18 and 26 and come from socially-deprived families. They were all lied they will work as dancers in clubs and will have a salary of over US$1,000 a month.

One of the leaders of the criminal group, who was sentenced to 13 years behind bars, worked as acting director of the municipal amenities company based in Cahul, when the offenses were committed.

Contacted by IPN, prosecutor of the Human Trafficking Combating Division Dorin Compan said the offenders are from villages of Cahul, Cantemir and Criuleni districts. No other details were given so as to protect the identity of the victims and of the convicts too, until the sentence can be appealed to a higher court.

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