Government replaces a number of ambassadors

The executive Tuesday named Mihai Balan as Moldova’s Ambassador to Israel after discharging him from the post of Moldova’s Ambassador to Greece, Info-Prim Neo reports. Mihai Balan is a career diplomat. He had earlier served as Ambassador to Israel. By another decision, the Government appointed Valentin Ciumac as Ambassador to Greece instead of Mihai Balan. Valentin Ciumac had held different posts in the state administration and worked at Moldova’s embassies. Gheorghe Rusnac was dismissed from the post of Moldova’s Ambassador to Italy, while Daniela Cujba – - from the post of Head of Moldova’s Mission to the EU. They were substituted by Aurel Baiesu and Eugen Caras. Valeriu Gheorghiu, who now serves with the Foreign Ministry, will take over as Moldova’s Ambassador to Spain. He will be the first to hold this post since the embassy was founded in Spain. The appointments and dismissals are to be confirmed by presidential decrees.

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